
Робин Онлайнfor Android



Robin Online: Assisting Blind People in Everyday Life

Robin Online, developed by Sensor-Tech, is a commendable mobile application designed to aid blind individuals in various daily scenarios. This app serves as a crucial tool, offering features that enhance independence and safety for users. From locating items in stores to connecting with volunteers for assistance, Robin Online provides a range of functionalities tailored to meet the unique needs of visually impaired individuals.

The app allows users to access video assistance from volunteers, identify nearby objects, recognize printed text, scan QR codes, identify banknotes, and send emergency messages to contacts swiftly. To access these features, blind users need to register and select the "Blind user" role within the app. It's essential to have the TalkBack function enabled on your Android device before diving into the app's functionalities, as the experience may vary across devices. The application's main screen neatly organizes all functions, accompanied by easy access to settings, profiles, and training modules for continuous learning.

Not only does Robin Online cater to the needs of blind individuals, but it also offers a platform for volunteers to register and provide support in tasks like navigating physical spaces and locating lost items. Supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, this free application plays a significant role in empowering the visually impaired community and promoting inclusivity within society.

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Робин Онлайнfor Android


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