
Pinterestfor Android



Millions of creative ideas in one place

Pinterest has a vast array of pictures, helpful hints, and handy lists for any project you could imagine. It’s also a host for many famous artists and designers.

Inspiration at every turn

Pinterest is a great place to expand your horizons and see what the hip trends are. From the latest in hairstyles to quick and convenient meals for home, you’ll find a wealth of ideas you can use.

This app is a fun and interactive platform that allows you to share ideas you love in picture form. You create your login information and you’re ready to start sharing visual representations of ideas and home-making tips with others.

There are a plethora of categories to play with. You can post recipes, fashion ideas, and images of your favorite books too. If you’re more of a video game or sci-fi artist, there are specific places to share these, as well.

When you use the program, you create different boards and categorize each one so that you can keep ideas organized. Tags make it easy to come back and find previous work quickly.

You have the freedom to browse through other people's posts and pins that they’ve uploaded onto the site. If you find something you like, you can pin it to one of your boards and save the idea for later.

When you come across someone who is frequently posting ideas and handy hints that you enjoy, you can use the follow feature to keep tabs on them. Every time they post something new, it’ll pop up in your feed for you to view.

You can use keywords to search for something specific that you want to find. By typing in the word, numerous relevant images will pop up on your screen to browse through. Sadly, this function consistently provides awkward results.

Where can you run this program?

Pinterest requires Android version 4.4 and later. It’s also available for iPhone.

Is there a better alternative?

No. Other sites that provide a platform for images and other posts, like Facebook and Instagram, focus on social networking. Pinterest is more about hints, tips, and idea-sharing.

Our take

Pinterest is a great place to find ideas for school projects, party dresses, recipe ideas, and gardening tricks. With so many topics and categories to explore, there’s plenty to enjoy.

Should you download it?

Yes. If you are looking to try something new, but you need some inspiration, this is a good place to start.


  • Wide variety of image types
  • Posts with useful tips
  • Tons of topics


  • Inconsistent search results

Also available in other platforms

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Pinterestfor Android


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