Solis Home - Real-Time Remote Monitoring App

Enlarged image for Solis Home
Solis Home 0/1

Solis Home is a real-time remote monitoring app for Android that allows users to check the status of their plants. With this app, users can review real-time generation, historical data (week, month, annual, total), energy consumption, storage battery use, and more. Solis Home provides valuable information to plant owners, enabling them to closely monitor their plants and stay on top of any potential issues that might arise.

One of the key features of Solis Home is its ability to provide real-time feedback on plant status. By allowing users to view their plants' performance and health in real-time, the app enables them to take immediate action if any problems are detected. Additionally, Solis Home utilizes embedded meteorological data and local/national FIT databases to help plant owners calculate potential revenue from their rooftops.

Solis Home is a free app, making it accessible to a wide range of users. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive set of features make it an essential tool for anyone who wants to closely monitor and optimize their plants' performance.


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September 14, 2023
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