
Hollie Guardfor Android



Free mobile personal safety app

Hollie Guard is a free personal safety app that’s similar to Invisawear for notifying your emergency contacts when you’re in trouble. Whether you’re being attacked or are injured, you can quickly record the incident or send a message to emergency services. It also supports initiatives towards women and child safety.

What is the Hollie Guard App?

Hollie Gazzard Trust developed Hollie Guard for mobile devices so that people can trigger an alarm if they feel threatened, suffering from an injury, or disabling ailment. It incorporates a sensor that can detect falling or knocking, which then sends an alert to your emergency contacts if the app determines that your life is in danger. You can set up what actions to use to inform your phone that there’s trouble.

How much does Hollie Guard cost?

Hollie Guard is free of charge for the basic settings and features, which is sufficient for your personal safety needs. You can upgrade to Hollie Guard Extra that adds features to the app. One of the additional tools is sending your recorded image or video to a representative who will then contact emergency services on your behalf.

Top Hollie Guard features

Several features make Hollie Guard stand out from the competition, such as:

  • Automatic recording of visual and audio evidence
  • Motion sensor for detecting falls and attacks
  • Setting the method of raising an alarm, such as shaking the phone, journey triggers, and pressing a panic button
  • Professional response to emergencies
  • Sharing of location during the incident

Are Tracking Apps safe?

Whether tracking apps like Hollie Guard are safe is a matter of opinion. Many users feel more secure with emergency contacts knowing where they are when they leave the house. However, others believe the apps can be used by hackers to stalk them or use the information in a threatening way.

Our take

Personal safety is a serious matter for most people, and Hollie Guard ensures that your family and friends remain informed of anything that happens to you. While it will track and share your location, it only performs this task when you’re in danger. 

Should you download it?

Yes, especially if you’re concerned about your personal safety.


  • Records and shares evidence of attack
  • Monitors your safety at all times
  • Alerts family and friends
  • Contacts emergency services during injuries
  • Quickly raises alarms


  • Tracks your location

Also available in other platforms

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Hollie Guardfor Android


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