
Snipshotfor Windows



Superb online graphics editor extension

With the rise of Web 2.0 applications, image editors are becoming an area of innovation. Snipshot is one of the most impressive online graphics editors I've tried. It eliminates the need to open a separate graphics editing program for simple edits. Once an image is imported, you can easily perform five functions - undo, resize, crop, rotate, and adjust. You can save the edited image in GIF or JPG format and even upload it to your Flickr account.

Snipshot allows you to upload images from your computer or enter the web address of any online photo. It appears in your browser's right-click context menu, making it convenient to edit images with just a few clicks. The original image remains untouched, and Snipshot keeps a record of it for 24 hours. Any mistakes can be easily undone with a simple click.

Overall, Snipshot is a superb program for those who want to make simple edits without the need for a standalone graphics editor. It's easy to use, edits quickly in real-time, and eliminates the need for a third-party graphics editor.

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Snipshotfor Windows


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