
Math: Addition and Subtractionfor Android



Practice Your Math Skills With Addition and Subtraction App

In this simple addition and subtraction app, you'll learn addition and subtraction. Just complete levels and learn from your mistakes. You can select difficulty levels, so that the exercise may be more or less challenging for you.

This is the perfect educational game for kids and the whole family. You can train your kids in addition and subtraction for free. Even the parents can improve their mental skills.

The next feature is to test your performance in addition and subtraction. Select one of the game modes: Challenge, Test yourself, Free, and Practice. In Challenge Mode, you'll play against the clock with numbers from 0 to 200! You may get the best score or learn from your mistakes.

To help you, you can select one of the following ways:

  • Difficulty levels: For every level, it complicates the example by +5.
  • Feedback mode: When you want to check your progress, this mode will be activated.
  • Timer: The time for the test will be shown if you want.

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Math: Addition and Subtractionfor Android


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