
XStartfor Windows



XStart: An easy to use application launcher

XStart is one of the simplest program launchers you'll ever use that at the same time speeds up your launch time without being fussy to setup. It is a solid alternative to the Windows Start Menu, especially for XP users. With XStart, you can conveniently access all your favorite programs, shortcuts, folders, documents, and websites. The program allows you to create custom groups, making it easy to organize your programs according to type, such as work, social, or media. XStart offers a limited but attractive selection of themes to choose from, and you'll notice a significant decrease in the time it takes to open and close programs.

However, it's important to note that XStart may not always speed up badly defragged PCs. If you have too many temporary files or haven't defragged your drive, you may not notice much difference in program startup times. Nevertheless, if you're looking for an easy way to increase your productivity and program startup times, XStart provides a limited but straightforward option.

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XStartfor Windows


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