
Ultimate Racing 2D 2for Windows


Ultimate Racing 2D 2: A Thrilling Top-Down Racing Sequel

Ultimate Racing 2D 2! is an exhilarating top-down racing game by Applimazing, offering a vast array of features and enhancements, setting it apart from its predecessor. With 44 racing classes and over 100 tracks, this indie game caters to a broad spectrum of racing enthusiasts. The game boasts a comprehensive suite of modes and customization options, promising hours of engaging gameplay for both solo and multiplayer experiences.

Build your own track experience with Ultimate Racing 2D 2!'s extensive career mode, featuring a class tier system and car upgrades. Dive into three distinct career modes: Season mode, event mode, and coin mode, each presenting a unique challenge. The game excels in multiplayer support, accommodating up to 20 players in online mode and up to eight in local multiplayer. Additionally, time-trial modes with leaderboards and ghost laps provide global competition, while the car and track editors offer extensive customization options for players to create and share their racing experiences.

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Ultimate Racing 2D 2for Windows

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