
Rated People for Homeownersfor Android



Find a Tradesperson to Help You With Home Improvement Dreams

Home improvement - the job you are waiting for! You’ve always dreamed of redecorating your home, but you haven’t the faintest clue how to go about it. Perhaps you’ve been looking for tradespeople to help you out with your home improvements and repairs for a while now. But you just can’t find one that you like, so you keep trying and keep looking. What you need is Rated People. Home improvement - your first step on the path to home improvement. Find a reliable tradesperson in your area who is skilled and rated, using this app. Get your first quote with Rated People and find yourself an excellent and reliable tradesperson in no time. Rated People's handy app works like a local search directory or recommendation engine. This app for iOS and Android will find you the best local tradespeople in your area. It is for everyone looking for help with maintenance tasks at home or if you’re in need of a handyman. To begin with, you will only be shown tradespeople who have chosen to be in this directory. However, you can search more broadly and you can save your favorite tradespeople. You can then receive up to 3 quotes for your job from different tradespeople. You can get the best available quote for the job by clicking the ‘Book my job’ button. You can then chat with your chosen tradesperson directly through the app. For both homeowners and renters, you can receive up to 3 jobs, but on average you’ll receive 1 to 2. If you receive too many quotes for your project, you can filter them by selecting ‘No response’.

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Rated People for Homeownersfor Android


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