Free to-do list app
Microsoft To-Do is a free application that helps you manage your daily tasks and projects. The app is ideal for making lists of your chores, groceries, or study topics. Additionally, you can plan out how you’ll tackle your to-do list and use a star to mark crucial tasks. It’s similar to Todoist and Microsoft OneNote.
However, there are limitations to the app such as its limited options for prioritizing tasks. Fortunately, several customization options help you personalize the app. You’re also able to share the lists you create with friends, family, and co-workers.
Create lists with ease
The main feature of Microsoft To-Do is letting you create lists and mark off items in a moment. Creating a list is straightforward and quick, letting you get straight to your tasks. The interface makes checking off tasks and setting reminders easy.
Add notes
As you create tasks, the option to edit and add detailed notes is always available. This feature works well if you’re busy with a project and need to adapt the list as you go along. Additionally, you can add these notes from any device you’re synced up with.
Share lists and tasks
As you work, you can share any list or task with a friend, family member, or co-worker. The app quickly allows you to send files through email and connect across multiple apps such as Outlook. This is available for all platforms such as Android and iOS.
Personalization options
There are many ways to personalize the display of your tasks and change their color with Microsoft To-Do. Additionally, you can enable dark mode as a theme and view the app’s layout differently.
Set priorities
The most significant limitation with Microsoft To-Do is the lack of prioritization options. The only way to set a task as important is to put a star on it. There are no levels of priority that you can select or manage.
Our take
Microsoft To-Do is an excellent application and is worthwhile installing on your Windows computer. It offers various ways to stay up to date with your tasks and personalize your lists. However, there are many valuable alternatives, such as Todoist and Microsoft OneNote, which offer similar features to keep track of your day.
Should you download it?
Yes. If you need a way to stay organized while working on projects, this app is a great way to manage your tasks. It’s definitely worth a download.