
iMagePhonefor Mac



iMagePhone: Create iPhone and iPad Wallpapers

iMagePhone is a free program developed by Polo Planet that allows you to easily create and upload perfectly sized wallpapers from your Mac to your iPhone or iPad. Both of Apple's star touchscreen devices have unusual screen sizes, and it's rare to find a photo or wallpaper that's designed especially for them. iMagePhone is a basic image editor that lets you crop and rotate any image, as well as make basic edits like adjusting contrast and saturation.

When you connect your iPhone or iPad, iMagePhone automatically detects the device and adjusts its settings accordingly. The program also provides a pixelation warning, so you can avoid uploading images that will look bad when enlarged to fit the screen, especially on the iPad.

Although iMagePhone is a free version of a paid app and has limited functions, it is still a useful tool. You can preview your wallpaper before uploading it to your device in the preview window, ensuring that it looks exactly how you want it to. Overall, iMagePhone is a basic wallpaper maker for iPhones and iPads that does exactly what it promises and nothing more.

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iMagePhonefor Mac


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