
SD Maid 2/SE - System Cleanerfor Android



SD Maid 2/SE - System Cleaner - Clean your Android

SD Maid 2/SE - System Cleaner helps keep your device clean and running smoothly by taking care of files and apps you don’t need anymore, especially those left behind when you uninstall apps. You might think you keep your Android device clean, but that is not entirely correct. This tool will handle everything for you!

What does SD Maid 2/SE - System Cleaner do?

SD Maid 2/SE is more than just a cleaning app; it really understands how your device stores files. Here’s what it can do for you:

  • Clean up after uninstalling apps: Sometimes, apps leave behind files where they shouldn't. SD Maid’s "CorpseFinder" finds these leftovers, tells you where they came from, and helps you get rid of them.
  • Search your device the smart way: The "SystemCleaner" tool lets you decide what to clean up, like empty folders or temporary files, giving you control over what stays and what goes.
  • Delete expendable files and hidden caches: Apps often forget to clean up files like thumbnails and offline caches. The "AppCleaner" tool finds and deletes these unnecessary files.
  • Manage all of your apps: With "AppControl," you can see and manage all your apps, whether they are in use, disabled, or hidden, ensuring nothing is taking up space without your permission.
  • What is using all your space: The "StorageAnalyzer" helps you see how your storage is being used, whether it's by apps, media, or files on your SD cards and USB devices.
  • Find duplicate data: The "Deduplicator" tool helps you clear out space by finding and deleting duplicate files and photos that you might have downloaded or received multiple times.

This app is great because it helps keep your device clean without showing ads, although some special features do cost extra.

Why would you need this app?

SD Maid 2/SE - System Cleaner is really useful for several reasons:

  • Residual Files: After you remove apps, they often leave behind files that just take up space. This app makes sure they are completely removed.
  • Unwanted Data: Your device constantly creates files like logs and crash reports that you don’t really need. SD Maid cleans these up.
  • Mysterious Storage Use: Sometimes it’s hard to tell why your storage is full. SD Maid helps you find and remove files you don’t recognize or need anymore.
  • Duplicates: If you have multiple copies of the same photos or files, especially from sharing media, SD Maid can find and delete the extras.

SD Maid 2/SE is an essential tool for anyone looking to keep their Android device clean, organized, and running smoothly. It helps you manage your files and apps more effectively, ensuring your device has more space and works better.


  • Deep cleans your device
  • Manage all of your apps
  • Deletes expendable files and hidden caches


  • Some features cost extra

Program available in other languages

SD Maid 2/SE - System Cleanerfor Android


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