
Classic Trek 80for iOS



Classic Trek 80 Review

Classic Trek 80 is a nostalgic iPhone game that transports players back to the early 1980s, reminiscent of the era when textual space adventures were a popular trend on home computers. This game faithfully recreates the "Space War" BASIC program that originally ran on the Tandy/Radio Shack TRS-80. Players are tasked with tracking down and eliminating 7 warbirds within 35 stardates, engaging in galaxy navigation, scans, and combat using lasers or missiles. Recharge by docking with a starbase when energy or missile supplies run low.

Classic Trek 80 offers a genuine re-creation of the original game, retaining all its unique quirks. The game is free to play without any ads, with optional cosmetic upgrades available for those who wish to support independent app development. These upgrades do not impact gameplay, preserving the authentic experience of this space adventure.

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Classic Trek 80for iOS


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