
Army of Darkness Defensefor iOS



Army of Darkness Defense - Game of a famous movie

Some mobile games do a great job of bringing movie stories to life, and Army of Darkness Defense is a perfect example. This game is based on the "Army of Darkness" movie by Sam Raimi and lets players step into the role of Ash Williams, the hero fighting off undead enemies. Created by Backflip Studios, the game combines humor, horror, and strategy in a fun and simple way. This is the iOS version.

Story of Army of Darkness Defense

In Army of Darkness Defense, you play Ash Williams, who's known for his chainsaw and shotgun. He’s on a mission to protect a magical book called the Necronomicon from waves of enemies. Throughout the game, you'll meet other characters from the movie like Lord Arthur, Sheila, and Duke Henry the Red. They help make the game more interesting and strategic.

As Ash, you’ll defend a castle by battling different groups of enemies. Each new wave brings tougher challenges, and you'll need to think about how to use your allies and Ash’s special skills to succeed. This mix of storytelling and gameplay keeps things exciting and true to the movie’s spirit.


The gameplay in Army of Darkness Rim Defense is engaging but easy to pick up:

  • Character Control and Combat: You control Ash by moving him left and right across the screen. Ash’s shotgun fires automatically when enemies appear, and he fights with melee attacks when they get close.
  • Planning and Strategy: Before fighting a wave of enemies, you can choose special skills for Ash, like using his powerful boomstick or calling in helpers. Choosing wisely helps you win.
  • Earning and Using Gold: Enemies drop gold when defeated, which you can pick up and use to summon more troops or make Ash stronger.

Important Gameplay Features:

  • Ash shoots automatically, but you control his movements and special skills.
  • You can choose from various skills to tackle different challenges.
  • You can use many characters to help in battle, each with their own roles and strengths.

Can I still play Army of Darkness Defense?

Unfortunately, you can’t download or play Army of Darkness Defense anymore. It was removed from the App Store and Google Play on May 5, 2018. The game is no longer supported, so it’s unavailable for new players, and there won’t be any updates.

Army of Darkness Defense was a fun game that combined action, strategy, and the quirky humor of its movie counterpart. Though it's no longer available, it remains a memorable game for those who got to experience it.


  • Based on a popular movie
  • Great gameplay
  • Easy and gun character control and combat mechanics


  • Discontinued
  • Not available online

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Army of Darkness Defensefor iOS


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