Twitter connects quickly

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Twitter is an online news and social media feed where people communicate in messages called tweets. Tweets are short messages that are sent out to followers with the intent to provide something entertaining, useful and interesting to the audience. In essence, Twitter and tweeting are like sharing a blog. Twitter is useful to millions for discovering interesting new people and companies. It is a part instant messenger and part social media, but all about discovering interesting ideas and people from around the world. Twitter channels also aim to build a following of like-minded individuals and delivering value to that group every day. The platform has managed to be at once personal and fast. Famous people and mega-corporations have been able to create and maintain a personal connection with their followers. This environment mixes instant texting, blogging, and messaging to create content for a broad audience.

Twitter fosters communities online

Twitter is a window into the world at work. A chamber to hear the world’s conversation.

Twitter is alluring because the reader can quickly see thousands of pieces of interesting content and read engaging personalities’ archives. This platform is purpose-built for our modern time-restricted routines. Twitter has purposefully enacted a limitation on the size of messages. No tweet may be longer than 280 characters. By hamstringing the text window, only the most focused and clever pieces float to the top. By constricting the writer, the reader enjoys more scannable and engaging language. This chemistry made Twitter a popular media platform.

Twitter works in a way that is simple for both writers and readers. Create a free account and register a Twitter name to join. Tweet as frequently or infrequently as you like. Enter your text with 280 or fewer characters in the What’s Happening box and press Tweet. Folks that follow you and possibly those who don’t will see your tweet. Persuade your colleagues, friends, family, and neighbors to subscribe to you. Twitter etiquette calls for followers and publishers to follow one another. Press follow to receive Twitter feeds of interesting celebrities, journalists and public figures. Simply, select Unfollow if their feeds did not live up to your expectations. Twitter is constantly updating threads and feeds so there is always something new to read.

Twitter is primarily used to unite people with the same passions. Hashtags, marked with the # symbol as a prefix, facilitate the process of bringing complete strangers together. Hashtags enable people of a particular community to follow the same conversation. Hashtags support the process of building online communities centered on a particular concept, idea, person or entity. In the event, something captures significant recognition, Twitter frenzies with rapid exchanges of information all about it. Tweets are rushed out whenever a popular movie, sports event or breaking news, is on everyone’s mind.

Twitter is used as a marketing tool by millions. People have successfully broadcast their businesses, services, and stores on Twitter. Television and radio advertisements just don’t have the same impact on today’s internet-driven culture as they once did. Online advertising is faster and less intrusive in regards to people’s attention. Once familiar with the ins and outs of tweeting, exemplary advertising results can be achieved on Twitter.

Your choices

Facebook may not compare apples to apples to Twitter, but it is the only other social media feed that is comparable in social reach. Facebook has many more features than Twitter but it is a better choice for those who seek more social interaction with close family and friends.

At its core, Twitter is an RSS, an acronym for Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication. RSS is a type of web file that aggregates web information from news sources or blogs. Feedly is the bare-bones RSS. Feedly offers both free and paid subscriptions of their product. Neither version limits the number of feeds a user can follow. Business professionals will find Feedly useful to keep abreast of developments in their industry without the distractions present in the Twitter environment. It is a great source for fresh content to share on social media. Cultivating a custom feed is a great way to peek into new industries. Work-related activities can get a lot easier with the extra features offered in the paid Pro subscription. At $5.41 a month, this version allows you to share your feed with others and save stories to other apps like Evernote. Feedly is a great choice for more business-minded readers.

Mastadon is the most popular alternative to Twitter. Mastadon users “toot” and “boost” instead of Tweet. Mastodon differentiates itself by being community-focused. The microblogging open-source website runs on many different ‘instances.’ Each instance makes up a ‘federation’ which comprises its own policies and administrators. Without a central server, each community can blossom in their own unique ways. This has led to something of a microblogging Renaissance on Mastodon. The social media site cultivates a more heterogeneous and open atmosphere than Twitter.

Where can you run this program?

You can run this application on Windows or Mac systems. The benefits of Twitter are available to anyone with access to the internet. Whether you use Mozilla, Chrome, Safari or any other web browser you can visit Twitter. Enjoyment on the site is unhindered if visited on a laptop or desktop computer or mobile device. The site is optimized for mobile devices. It is a good thing too because Twitter is meant to be consumed without interrupting a daily routine. You can obtain a free application download for iPhone or Android in the Apple App Store and Google Play stores.

Our take

Twitter is lightning fast and no other platform can be as informational. Twitter occupies a critical intersection in the business and cultural discourse. Twitter provides a critical infrastructure for commerce and culture.

Should you download it?

Twitter is absolutely worth a try. Twitter may be at times chaotic and nauseating but with up-to-date exploration, due diligence and steady clean-up anyone can make it suitable for them. Twitter is a vast and diverse environment, those with even the most peculiar interests can find a community there. Journalists, salespeople, media personalities, thought-leaders, content creators, authors, or anyone who wishes to increase their presence and impact can stand to benefit from Twitter. If you have worked hard for a peaceful retirement, perhaps you are better off without tweetstorms and faux crises that beleaguer the Twittersphere.

  • Pros

    • Fast
    • Engaging
    • Easy-to-Use
    • Informative
    • Connectivity
  • Cons

    • Distracting
    • Cluttered
    • Simplistic


  • Android
  • Windows
  • Mac
  • iOS


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