Enjoy savings from your favorite stores
Find discounts and enjoy savings from stores, restaurants and even gas stations. Deals are updated daily, so you won’t be bored with all the exciting offers this program has to offer.
Paper-free coupons
The Coupons App allows you to shop at discounted prices on certain items, using the coupons you receive through the app.
The Coupons app offers a vast collection of discounts to save you money when you go shopping. You can enjoy promotions from most major retailers in your area.
The intuitive application sends notifications to alert you of new deals close by. By using your location settings on your phone, you can capitalize on the latest specials.
There is no need to waste paper; all of the coupons are available on your phone, so there is no need to print anything.
You can find the best deals on gas by using the search and compare function. This also uses your location settings and searches for the cheapest deal on gas around you.
The app features a handy barcode scanner, which allows you to scan products in-store and search for better deals elsewhere.
The handy shopping tool automatically copies Amazon promotional codes to your clipboard, so you can paste them into the checkout when you are ready. Enjoy discounts on music, video and various other offerings from Amazon.
The app allows users to add their stores of choice, and will notify you when they advertise savings online.
At times, you’ll be notified of special deals from far-away locations that are not within easy driving distance.
Where can you run this program?
The Coupons App works on Android devices using version 4.1 and upwards.
Is there a better alternative?
No. The app allows you to take advantage of great deals that save you money and time. This is a great initiative for budget-conscious shoppers.
Our take
A great way to scan the stores digitally without having to leave the comfort of your own home. Let the app notify you when it’s a good idea to go and shop.
Should you download it?
Yes. If you are focused on getting the best deals in town, this is a great way to stay on top of promotions and savings.