Spectasia: 3D Perspective on Your Items

Enlarged image for Spectasia
Spectasia 0/1

Spectasia is a unique application designed to simplify searching for files on your Mac. With its 3D perspective, Spectasia showcases your items in an impressive and visually appealing way. The application offers a range of features, including a showcase spotlight search, which allows you to easily find the files you need.

When you first launch Spectasia, you'll find yourself in Gadget Mode, which may feel too small to properly use the app. However, simply hover your cursor to the top right to switch to Exploration Mode, providing you with a larger screen and a better user experience. From there, you can explore the various features at the bottom, such as the search box and the number of items on the 3D board.

The 3D board itself is an interesting alternative to the traditional Finder. All items are immediately visible, providing a quick and intuitive way to navigate through your files. However, it's important to avoid overcrowding the board, as too many items can make it feel crowded. Adding and removing items from the board is possible, but it may require consulting the help guide for guidance.

While Spectasia offers a unique and visually appealing 3D perspective, it does have some drawbacks. The application can feel a bit rough around the edges and unintuitive at times. Clicking on the various features may not provide sufficient details, necessitating a trip to the help guide for more information. Overall, Spectasia shows promise as a 3D launcher, but it would benefit from further polish and refinement in future releases.


Completely re-designed graphics, a tiny rock-solid code base, plus smoother & faster animation.



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November 27, 2023
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