NetWorker - Network Info App

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NetWorker Pro is a very useful utility that shows you essential information on your network adapter and network environment at one glance. The small utility allows you to effectively monitor network traffic, view your external IP address, and check network speeds. All in all, this is a great app!

NetWorker Pro provides a straightforward and easy-to-use interface, making it simple for users to quickly and easily view important network information. With the optional always-on-top window functionality, users can keep an eye on their network status without having to navigate through multiple windows. Additionally, the app uses very few resources, ensuring it does not slow down your system.

However, NetWorker Pro lacks features for advanced users and could benefit from additional features to aid in troubleshooting network issues. The graphs provided can be difficult to read, which may make it challenging for users to analyze network performance. Furthermore, the app does not have built-in internet speed test functionality, which would be a valuable addition for users looking to monitor their network speed.

Overall, NetWorker Pro - Network Info App is a useful tool for quickly accessing essential network information. While it may not have all the advanced features some users may desire, its simplicity and resource efficiency make it a valuable addition for those wanting to monitor their network effectively.


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December 12, 2023
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