Lizenzen - Keep track of your software licenses

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Lizenzen is a simple application that allows you to store and manage all your software licenses in one place. It is available for Mac and is offered for free by the developer, Myownapp.

With Lizenzen, you can easily keep track of all your software licenses. The program provides a simple and clear interface, making it easy to input and organize your licenses. Additionally, Lizenzen offers a portable version, allowing you to carry your license information with you on a USB device.

One of the key features of Lizenzen is the ability to print out your license list. This can be useful for keeping physical records or sharing your license information with others. However, it is important to note that Lizenzen is a fairly basic application and does not offer advanced organization or sorting options for your licenses.

That being said, Lizenzen does provide a list view that allows you to see the total cost of your licenses and sort them by various criteria such as name or date. You can also edit entries and use the built-in search tool to easily find specific licenses. The main window displays all the necessary license details and includes an icon if the document contains one.

Overall, Lizenzen is a straightforward tool for managing your software licenses. While it may lack advanced features, it serves its purpose well for users who simply need a convenient way to keep track of their licenses.




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