Navigating the Indie Development Journey

Enlarged image for Indie Dev Story
Indie Dev Story 0/1

  • *Indie Dev Story** is a simulation game developed by CBgameDev that immerses players in the role of an indie game developer. The game allows you to embark on your first project, where you face the multifaceted challenges of game development. Players must manage various aspects of their character's life, including health, finances, and social interactions, all while striving to create a successful game. The engaging gameplay mechanics provide insight into the trials and tribulations that real developers encounter, making it a relatable experience for aspiring game creators.

The game incorporates a clicker-style format, which simplifies the gameplay while still demanding strategic thinking. As you progress, you unlock various items that enhance your efficiency as a developer, allowing for a smoother gaming experience. While the game is relatively short, it is packed with charm and appeal, drawing players into its immersive world. Although some may desire more extensive content, the current offerings provide an engaging and satisfying simulation of indie game development.


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Latest update
September 19, 2024
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