AASync: Make auto-backups to FTP and SFTP

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AASync is a Secure File Backup and FTP-SFTP Folder Synchronization utility for Mac. With its clean and clear interface, it is easy to set up and use. AASync allows you to automatically sync your files, providing peace of mind knowing that your data is backed up. It supports scheduled backups, ensuring that your files are always up to date.

One of the advantages of AASync is its ability to backup your files to a remote server or another local disk while you work. This means that even if your hard drive fails, your data is safe. When you start AASync, you simply specify the files and folders you want to backup, and any changes you make to these files will be automatically detected and backed up. AASync also offers encryption to protect your data during and after transfers. Additionally, you have the option to schedule backups or ignore certain file types or folders.

Although AASync is free for syncing between local folders, including external hard drives, remote syncing requires purchasing a license. However, the benefits of remote syncing, such as accessing your backup files from anywhere, make it worthwhile. AASync is also planning to add iPhone support in the future. The only slight drawback of AASync is that it takes quite a long time to make initial backups, but subsequent backups should be fairly quick.

In conclusion, AASync is a simple, easy, and effective way to ensure your files are constantly backed up while you work.




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