
Zarathustra - Cybergeddonfor Windows

Day 3


Cyberpunk Noir Adventure Game: Zarathustra - Cybergeddon Review

Zarathustra - Cybergeddon is a free adventure game for PC developed by indie developer Tim Rachor. Set in a futuristic dystopia, this story-driven point-and-click experience features retro pixel graphics and a neo-religious conflict that challenges players' beliefs. Similar to ANNO: Mutationem and Tales of the Neon Sea, this game offers a neo-noir aesthetic with deep investigative gameplay into technological and organic ideologies.

Players immerse themselves in a world divided between the Church of Flesh and the Church of Neon, exploring moral implications brought by alien technology discoveries. As FBI agent Amy, users navigate through socio-political tensions, interviewing individuals from conflicting factions to solve a compelling case involving a stolen book. Collecting items and clues, players uncover the truth behind the crime, all while the game is still in active development, promising more chapters based on player feedback.

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Zarathustra - Cybergeddonfor Windows

Day 3

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