Retro Adventure Game: Primal Threat
Embark on a thrilling adventure in "Primal Threat," a side-scrolling action/adventure video game developed by Jordan Keith. Players delve into an ancient labyrinth across seven interconnected zones, facing off against menacing cyborg dinosaurs. The game's narrative centers on a looming threat from an ancient alien race, with players embodying Dean or Ellie armed with six unique weapons called Primal Elements.
In "Primal Threat," players can uncover nine upgrades to aid in battles, access new areas, and enjoy solo or two-player co-op modes reminiscent of classic titles. With 13 challenging bosses, gameplay involves strategic weapon-switching based on color-coding to exploit enemy weaknesses. Drawing inspiration from classic games like Metroid and Sonic the Hedgehog, "Primal Threat" offers a blend of retro influences and modern gameplay elements for an engaging experience.