Galerie: Create web albums

Enlarged image for Galerie
Galerie 0/1

Galerie is a free Mac program developed by Myriad Online that allows users to easily create web albums for sharing their photos. With a simple three-step process, users can select their images, adjust the settings, and generate a web album. Galerie offers both a normal and simplified interface, catering to both beginners and more experienced users.

One of the main features of Galerie is the ability to select and adjust thumbnails, as well as tweak picture settings. Additionally, users can regenerate old galleries in one go, making it easy to update and refresh their web albums.

However, Galerie falls short in terms of its templates. While it offers a number of templates, many of them are of weak quality and the browser previews left us unimpressed. Users may find that other photo sharing websites create nicer looking web albums.

Overall, Galerie is a simple and straightforward application for creating web albums, but it may not offer the best options in terms of templates and design.


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January 16, 2024
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