
ePubee Makerfor Windows


ePubee Maker - Professional ePUB Maker for Windows

ePubee Maker is a free software for Windows that allows users to create and publish ePUB files directly from Microsoft Word. With its user-friendly interface and simple workflow, ePubee Maker makes it easy for authors, publishers, and content creators to convert their Word documents into ePUB format.

The main features of ePubee Maker include the ability to convert Word documents to ePUB files with just a few clicks. Users can customize the layout and formatting of the ePUB, including fonts, colors, and styles. The software also supports the inclusion of images, hyperlinks, and tables in the ePUB files.

Overall, ePubee Maker is a convenient tool for anyone looking to create and publish ePUB files from Microsoft Word. Its intuitive interface and powerful features make it a valuable resource for authors and content creators in the publishing industry.

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ePubee Makerfor Windows

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