
CoverScoutfor Mac



Find album covers online

CoverScout is an excellent tool that allows you to search for album covers on Amazon, iTunes Music Store, and Google Images. With a sleek and intuitive interface, CoverScout is now better than ever. It works seamlessly with iTunes, iPhone, iPod, and Apple TV.

One of the main features of CoverScout is its ability to search your favorite sites, such as Amazon, Google Images, and WalMart, in order of preference. The results are displayed in CoverShelf, giving you a wide range of album art to choose from. Once you've made your selection, simply apply it to your chosen album. You can even find covers for specific singles and play the selected track directly in iTunes.

CoverScout also includes features like Quick Look, which allows you to view your album covers in all their glory, and CoverEditor, which allows you to edit your album covers. These additional features enhance the overall user experience and make it easy to personalize your music library.

While CoverScout is not an essential add-on for music lovers, it is a valuable tool when iTunes is unable to retrieve album covers. CoverScout usually finds the right covers, but there may be instances where it doesn't return any results at all. Additionally, the cover editor within the program is limited in its capabilities.

Overall, CoverScout is a highly intuitive and elegantly presented software that serves its purpose well. It provides a convenient way to find and apply album covers to your music library, enhancing the visual experience of your music collection.

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CoverScoutfor Mac


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