
Charmstonefor Mac



Efficient App-Switching with Charmstone: A Detailed Review

Charmstone, a freemium utility tool by Ryan Hanson, enhances your workflow with its intuitive app-switching and launching capabilities. This app launcher strategically positions shortcuts near your cursor, boosting spatial memory and reducing mouse movement. Seamlessly integrating into macOS, Charmstone eliminates the need for frequent dock visits or CMD tab usage.

For a seamless app-switching experience, Charmstone offers versatile controls like modifier+cursor movement, modifier+arrow keys, and optimized trackpad gestures. It outperforms traditional CMD+space typing, enabling quick app access. The free version includes four slots, while the premium version expands to 16, providing flexibility. Users can customize slots with preferred apps and adjust cursor travel distance for optimal shortcut display, enhancing the overall app-switching experience. However, the absence of a setting to trigger shortcuts upon clicking and the inability to keep shortcuts on-screen post-click are minor drawbacks.

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Charmstonefor Mac


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