Core Multiplayer: Intense Battles in a Futuristic World
In the year 2222, humanity has spread across multiple planets and moons in our solar system. However, a new threat has emerged - highly destructive weapons known as "The Core" that appear mysteriously and cause catastrophic explosions. In Core Multiplayer, you are tasked with teleporting a hovercraft and pilot to each location where a Core appears, with the mission to capture it before it explodes. The game offers intense battles in five unique arenas, where you will compete against other pilots representing different worlds. As you capture Cores, you earn rewards for both yourself and your world, creating a double-edged sword where pilots may resort to removing their competition to secure the rewards.
Core Multiplayer is designed exclusively for mobile and offers a wide range of customization options. Players can choose from various hovercrafts, skins, and exhausts to personalize their experience. The game is very easy to handle, allowing you to quickly jump into the action and engage in thrilling battles. Please note that while Core Multiplayer is free to download, it does offer in-game purchases. Additionally, a stable internet connection is required to play, and the app may not be compatible with devices that have less than 4 GB of RAM, even if the operating system is supported.