
Auto BPM: Music Tempo Finderfor iOS



Auto BPM: Music Tempo Finder Review

Auto BPM: Music Tempo Finder is a free iPhone app designed to automatically detect the tempo of music without manual tapping. Leveraging the iPhone's advanced microphone, this app continuously calculates the BPM of any song in real-time. It caters to DJs, musicians, fitness professionals, dancers, and music enthusiasts, enabling them to effortlessly determine the tempo of the music they are listening to.

With Auto BPM, users can create well-paced workout playlists, synchronize dance moves with music beats, or simply explore the tempo of their favorite tunes. The app offers real-time BPM calculation by monitoring audio through the iPhone's microphone and provides precise tempo analysis using sophisticated algorithms. It serves as a versatile tool suitable for DJs, musicians, dancers, fitness instructors, and anyone curious about the tempo of the music surrounding them.

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Auto BPM: Music Tempo Finderfor iOS


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