
Scalarisfor Mac



Scalaris: An Elegant and Discreet Twitter Client with Growl Support

Scalaris is a super discreet and lightweight Twitter client designed to seamlessly integrate with your workflow. As a Twitter client, Scalaris allows you to send and read tweets from your contacts. It stands out from other clients by offering support for Growl alerts, making it easy to stay updated without interrupting your work.

Scalaris sits quietly in your menubar, taking up minimal space and not cluttering your dock. By default, it retrieves tweets every 90 seconds, notifying you through Growl alerts. While this frequency cannot be adjusted, it is sufficient for most users' needs.

One of the advantages of using Growl is that Scalaris allows you to customize your tweet notifications by adjusting Growl settings in the System Preferences. However, to send your own tweets, you need to bring up the Scalaris window using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+up arrow. It would be more convenient to have this option accessible via mouse or visible permanently, but this compromise ensures Scalaris remains discreet and unobtrusive.

In conclusion, Scalaris is an elegant and minimal Twitter client that leverages Growl to keep you updated without disrupting your workflow. Its discreet design and lightweight nature make it a great choice for users who value simplicity and productivity.

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Scalarisfor Mac


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