
Kenophobiafor Mac



Kenophobia: Dive into the Depths of Psychological Horror

Kenophobia is an adventure game that delves into psychological horror, drawing inspiration from the internet myth of The Backrooms. Set in 2008, the game unfolds as an experiment by the UGG Research Institute goes awry, leading to the creation of unstable areas that transport individuals from The Frontrooms to The Backrooms. Players find themselves navigating through a series of interconnected empty rooms with yellow walls and old carpet, striving to return to safety amidst eerie silence and unsettling ambiance.

Trapped within this labyrinthine setting, players must progress through 20 unique levels filled with challenging puzzles and clues, all while immersing themselves in a found footage style presentation that enhances the game's immersive and scary experience. However, the game's thematic elements, although intriguing, may become repetitive over time, potentially impacting its long-term appeal for some players.

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Kenophobiafor Mac


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