eBook Downloads for Kindle - How to Get Around Amazon's License Limit Error

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If you've been looking for eBook Downloads for Kindle, you've probably come across the issue of Amazon's license limit. While this error is completely understandable, you can fix it easily. The problem is that it can prevent you from downloading a great number of books for free. Luckily, there's a simple solution: there's a way to get around it. All you have to do is go to the Amazon website and look for the right option for you.

Once you have found the right book, you need to convert the PDF file into a format that the Kindle can read. Fortunately, this can be done automatically by Amazon. You can either email the file without a subject line or add a "convert to Kindle" to the subject line. While this method works to a large extent, you might not like the size of the fonts, so it's best to convert it yourself.




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