
FoursquareXfor Mac



FoursquareX: See what your friends are up to from your desktop

FoursquareX is a Mac application developed by Eric Butler that allows users to keep up with their friends' movements on the popular location-based social application, Foursquare. Currently available for Snow Leopard, FoursquareX uses the CoreLocation API to determine the user's position based on nearby wifi networks, eliminating the need for a GPS function. The app provides a simple interface for checking into locations and receiving Growl updates as friends check in or leave shouts. Users can also connect their FoursquareX account with Facebook and Twitter to share their location and thoughts. While the mobile apps offer more features, FoursquareX is stable and easy to use, making it a convenient option for Foursquare enthusiasts who want to stay connected even when they don't have access to their phones.

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FoursquareXfor Mac


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